Matcha Fudge.

Matcha Fudge - 300g

White chocolate fudge flavoured with matcha green tea.

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a Matcha made in heaven…

Enjoy this delightful creation by Chef Louisa Ellis. This special recipe combines the velvety smoothness of fudge with the distinct flavour of matcha, creating a truly unique treat that will captivate your taste buds.

Made with only the finest ingredients and crafted with precision, each bar of Matcha Fudge is a work of art, meticulously handcrafted to ensure maximum flavour and indulgence. The vibrant green hue of the fudge is a testament to the premium matcha tea used, infusing each bite with a subtle earthiness and a hint of sweetness. Perfectly balanced and wonderfully decadent, Matcha Fudge is a divine confectionery experience that will elevate any celebration.

Place your order by 12pm on Sunday the 4th of February.

Estimated dispatch
5th February.

How it works.

  • 1. Place your order.

    You can place your order online, you can pay by credit/debit card or use Apple Pay. If you would like us to write a note on a card inside the package then make sure you add this message during checkout.

  • 2. We prepare, package and deliver.

    We’ll dispatch your delivery within 2 working days. Please note, our next dispatch date will be the 5th of February. You don’t need to be home to receive your order, it will fit through the letterbox.

  • 3. Sit back and Relax.

    The fudge is packaged fresh and if kept dry and cool it can be enjoyed for upto 1 month. There is best before date on every box.


  • Yes, nationwide delivery is possible! We’ve specifically made the package size to fit through a letterbox, so you don’t even need to be home to accept delivery. (Unless you opt for special or signed for delivery)

  • Good question! Each box contains 300 grams of Matcha Fudge, which is enough to be shared with friends and family. Around 6 people can have a generous portion of fudge from each box…or don’t share, but maybe avoid enjoying it all in one go!

  • Matcha fudge specifically contains Milk & Soya. Do not consume this fudge if you have an allergen or intolerance to this. In addition, the fudge is prepared in a kitchen that handles Peanuts, Tree Nuts & Sesame.